It very much so comes across as an asset flip. Speaking of enemies, the design from what I've seen is very generic which goes for the world also. You will be attacked from the boss with attacks you cannot see coming as the camera and small fov get in the way. This could work but the camera doesn't allow for this to work well. Boss design is lacking (want to fight a big version of the same enemies you've already been fighting?) and will make you target small enemies at the same time. From things as simple as camera panning felling stiff, to your attacks felling stiff and feedback from enemies attacking you being non existent, it feels bad to interact with the game. The controls even when they are working do not feel at all good.
#Dolmen video game full
But once my controller was detected and working the game seems to drop inputs or outright refuse any input as you stand there with full stamina unable to move as enemies get free hits on you. My xbox controller by default wasn't detected this isn't great but not a deal breaker, + It's name apparently means big ♥♥♥♥ in Swedish which gave me a chuckle. Maybe on a very high level some of the ideas here could be done well.

+ I have nothing positive to say about the execution. Added a Special Thanks sections to the credits including our Kickstarter backersĭon't forget to follow us on our social channels and on Discord to stay up to date with the latest Dolmen news:.Slightly increased stamina regeneration speed.Improved shields stability (so they can be more effective late game).Several balancing changes to common enemies stagger ability (improving the hit feedback from the players).Removed detail slide bar from customization.Removed confirmation of customization done inside the ship (not on the character creation).While looking for sessions the player will keep looking until he presses to cancel the search.No requirement of dolmen crystals for joining multiplayer sessions (this is also going to help us on XR 064 for the XBOX).Please notice there is still a lot to go through, especially in multiplayer, but we wanted to address some issues faster, especially the one blocking progress from players. Fixed collision on stairs near giant worm.Several fixes (5-7) places where the player could getstuck into geometry.Elevator near Queen Caniptei where the player could get stuck near their bars if dodging at the right moment while interacting with the elevator.Fixed a couple places where the player was not being able to go up by walking, only rolling.Scenario collision fix on the biosphere which was making players to fall due to level design.Pre-order weapon was being lost after reloading the game or going to the ship (it was also fixed for players who had already created a game previously).

Using batteries while ”no pain no gain” ability was active was not restoring energy as intended.Fixed FOV for ultra-wide and other non-standard screen resolutions.Improvement on performance of Driller VIP cutscene.Skip cutscene widget was not vanishing in a few cutscenes.AI fix for a specific Cutlower which was not moving after being shot at.Rewards for killing the bosses were not being given properly to the game host.Killing the queen Caniptei and Zallan Kheep as hosts in multiplayer was blocking the game from progressing (we also added an interactable at their arenas for players who have already killed her to be able to progress).Removed cinematic quality from settings menu.Sometimes when the player died while attacking, he could have his trail particle on until he made another attack.Faster loading of pre-order armor on the select class screen, which was taking time (compiling in the menus).Respawning bosses and skipping cutscenes were making the character meshes to disappear, rendering the character invisible.After all, quoting David Hume: "The life of man is of no greater importance to the universe than that of an oyster." Maybe he was right Or not.

And it won't be easy: Adaptation and exploration will be your main weapons as you craft new items and equipments from your enemies' carcasses! Every step can be your last one! Use your experience points to improve yourself and face what no human has ever faced. It is a third person action game with RPG elements but with a lovecraftian plot that calls players to find what's behind the darkest secret of the universe! A forgotten planet called Revion Prime will be the place where the action takes part. It is a third person action game with RPG elements but with a lovecraftian plot that calls players to find what's behind the darkest secret of the universe! A forgotten planet called Revion Prime will be the place where the action Cosmic Horror and Sci-Fi are two ways to talk about Dolmen. Summary: Cosmic Horror and Sci-Fi are two ways to talk about Dolmen.